Dr. Office Pizza - Surgeon Slings Pizza With Precision

4.31/5 stars Review Philosophy

Dr. Office Pizza Takeaway. Slinging Pizzas After Surgery. 7.0 / 10 cheese pizza hits the Flood Line. A 12" pizza weighs about 10 oz. Specialty honey garlic scallion pushes 8.0 / 10. Great value as they trade Dr. Brown's soda for pizza.

Appointment only. Very homey feel. The head chef has an excellent kitchen-side manner and talks to you the whole time. Between him throwing pizzas in the air and chatting you up, it's basically Hibachi pizza. Games are available in the sitting area after dinner. Parking is available in a dedicated lot or on the street.

Table Of Contents: Experience | Food | Atmosphere | Receipt | Comparison Table

Dr. Office Pizza


  • Olivette, MO 63132


Saturday7–10 PM


Dr. Office Pizza Experience Summary

I had heard good things about Dr. Office Pizza from some friends. The head chef is an orthopedic surgeon at SLU who slings pizzas at night in his free time.

I felt honored to get a table at his place because it's invite only.

His plain cheese came in at 7.0/10 for me. It crossed the Flood Line. The dough and cooking quality carry the pizza with solid cheese-to-sauce ratios. I'd like a bit more flavor from the sauce to compliment the top-of-the-line cook quality.

He also served us his specialty honey garlic scallion. A white pizza covered in scallions with a garlicky honey sauce, this one hit the spot for me. I'll round up to a round 8.0/10.

Dr. Office Pizza garlic honey pizza

The service is incredibly friendly. The head chef makes you feel like you're sitting around the kitchen drinking a beer and chatting while he cooks. The tables are very mom-and-pop with homey-feeling silverware.

I'd also recommend the excellent Caesar salad. Served with unique skeleton tongs, it pairs well with the pizza to make a meal to remember.

Overall, I'd let this doctor operate on my taste buds whenever he wanted.

The Food At Dr. Office Pizza

Dr. Office Pizza

I had friends tell me that the good doctor would put on a show making pizza, and he did not disappoint. Throwing the dough into the air in the middle of the kitchen while he chats you up, it's Hibachi pizza.

He first came out with his specialty garlic honey scallion. I love scallions, but the one honey-based pizza I had before disappointed me.

Not the case this time!

The prescription for good pizza is the Dr.'s garlic honey scallion. It soared to a sizzling 8.0 / 10. I don't hand out 8s often, but this pizza cured my hunger pains.

Dr. Office Pizza flop

Cooked perfectly with a crunchy undercarriage, the honey's sweetness and the scallion's mild onion notes really came through. The crust had an excellent crunch.

The dough ferments in the fridge for at least three days before cooking and requires no kneading. The doctor told me a steel pizza stone is the key to cooking the pizza with surgical precision. It apparently goes for around $100 and really ups the game.

Dr. Office Pizza slice

Next out was the comparison pizza, the cheese pizza with fresh basil. I'd give this pizza a comfortable 7.0/10. The fresh basil accented the cheese and the perfectly cooked crust. The cheese-to-sauce ratio was spot on, but I could have used more classic mozzarella cheese and better sauce to push the score higher.

That being said, the pizza was, again, perfectly cooked with basically zero flop and a great crisp to each bite. The crust had an excellent crunch.

Dr. Office Pizza pizza weight

The ~12" pizza weighed ~10 oz. At the cost of a six-pack of Dr. Brown's cream soda, the $.60/oz pizza clocks in at roughly the St. Louis standard $.70 / oz.

We also had a classic Caesar salad. The homemade dressing was as good as you'll find anywhere. If I could, I'd bottle it up and bring it home.

Dr. Office Pizza undercarriage

Dr. Office Pizza Atmosphere And Miscellaneous

Since the doctor bakes pizza with surgical precision, like all elective surgeries, the Dr. Office is appointment only. You have to know someone who knows someone to get an invite.

Dr. Office seating

The atmosphere at Dr. Office Pizza is like visiting friends for a dinner party where the main entertainment is the cooking. With impeccable kitchen side manner, the doctor slings pizzas faster than a good nurse can put a sling on your arm.

After dinner, they have board games available on demand.

Parking At Dr. Office Pizza

Parking is available in the dedicated lot or on the street. Plenty of open spots at 7 pm on a Saturday.

Dr. Office Pizza Receipt

Company bite

Pizza Size And Price Comparisons

PlacePrice$/OzWidthPizza ScoreUndercarriageSauceCheeseCrust
Pizza Head $18.00 $0.45 18 9.2 10.0 10.0 10.0 7.0
Union Loafers $16.50 $0.97 14 9.1 8.0 9.0 9.0 10.0
Pie Guy Pizza $20.00 $0.58 18 8.2 8.0 8.0 8.0 7.0
Pizzeria Da Gloria $17.00 $1.09 12 8.1 5.0 10.0 7.0 7.0
Pizza-A-Go-Go $13.50 $0.56 15 8.0 8.0 7.0 7.0 7.0
Dewey's Pizza $18.95 $0.48 17 7.9 6.0 9.5 7.0 4.0
Vito's Sicilian Pizzeria & Ristorante $14.00 $0.61 10 7.6 9.5 6.0 5.0 7.5
Pizza Champ $20.00 $0.63 18 7.4 10.0 3.0 3.0 10.0
A'mis Pizza $16.43 $0.54 15 7.1 5.0 6.0 7.5 6.0
Dr. Office Pizza $6.99 $0.70 12 7.0 9.0 5.0 5.0 8.0
Nicky Slices Pizza Club $20.00 $0.56 10 6.9 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0
Anthonino's Taverna On The Hill $14.00 $1.00 13 6.6 4.0 6.0 6.0 7.0
Urban Chestnut Grove Brewery and Bierhall $22.00 $0.79 17 6.3 1.0 9.0 5.0 7.0
Pizzeoli $16.00 $0.95 11 6.2 1.0 6.0 6.0 3.0
Blackthorn Pub and Pizza $20.00 $0.42 12 6.1 1.0 3.0 6.0 1.0
Costco $9.99 $0.17 18 5.0 1.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
Domino's Pizza $10.39 $0.30 14 4.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 3.0

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